Our worldwide vision

Faithfully teaching God’s word is at the centre of gospel ministry, whatever our culture, race or nationality.

Cornhill is committed to strengthening the ministry of the local church globally, and so we are particularly keen to train those students around the world who are already involved in training others to handle God’s Word well, or who share this vision. If this is you, please do apply! We’re delighted to have connections with a number of training projects around the world, some of which have been set up by former Cornhill students: we’re also pleased when these organisations are able to recommend applicants for the Cornhill course.

F1i and F2i Courses

Our experience during COVID-19 has made us consider new ways to train students from around the world while they remain with their family, in their home country, continuing to be involved in their present ministry. We are now pleased to offer the first and second years of Cornhill online (F1i and F2i) for those proficient in spoken English, who live outside the UK. Every Cornhill student must be involved in a local church where they can be supervised and gain practical ministry experience, and must only apply with the support of their church leadership. 

Students study F1i and F2i by watching recorded lectures from Cornhill in their own time each week. They also participate in live weekly Teaching Practice classes on Zoom, with a small group of other students from across the globe, on Monday and Tuesday afternoons (F1i), and Wednesday afternoons (F2i), during the Cornhill term time. They upload their talk scripts in English and then receive feedback on these Bible talks both live on Zoom and in written form. A self-disciplined and organised student, at Cornhill for one day a week, needs an additional half-day each week (or an additional full day each week where a student’s first language is not English) for study and preparation. 

In addition to the content of the Cornhill course covered by the UK-based students, Proclamation Trust’s International Director runs seminars to help international students begin to work out what faithful biblical ministry could look like in their home culture. 

Some F1i online students will be able to continue into F2i (the second-year course), also online. A small number of international students may then continue into Core, which is only taught in-person, in London. At this point, international students will require visas which are sponsored by the UK host church where they will gain practical ministry experience. 

We realise that for some, joining Cornhill online is simply not feasible due to poor internet connectivity, or other factors. So, in exceptional circumstances, we may still consider bringing a very small number of international students to the UK, to complete both F1 and F2 in a single year. We are pleased to have a close relationship with Cross Connections, a UK Christian charity which generously helps to provide fees bursaries for many of our international Cornhill students.

Applications are now open for the 2024/25 F1i & F2i courses. Apply here.