Cornhill Core

Cornhill Core is central to our training of the aspiring lifetime Bible teacher or preacher, right at the heart of what we do.

Core is built on the foundation of F1 and F2, and is designed for men and women who are pursuing the probability of long-term Christian ministry. 

Many of the elements of Core are the same as F1 and F2, but it feels like ‘a step up’, building on what has already been learned. There are more expository lectures, covering approximately eleven more books of the Bible. There is more Teaching Practice, with students giving and receiving feedback on six 20-minute talks from different parts of the Bible. But one of the most exciting things about Core is the Expository Seminars. Students are divided into small groups, each led by a Cornhill tutor, and together they will study four Bible books in considerable depth – Romans, Exodus, Amos and Ruth. The emphasis is on students working things out for themselves, developing the ‘nose in the text’ skills that are crucial for sustaining a lifetime’s biblical ministry.

We also offer a choice of Electives, so that students can decide where they’d like to receive more specialised training. Typical modules include: Evangelistic Preaching and Apologetics, Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Ministry to Families and Children, and Leading Small Group Bible Studies.

Each February, we send teams of Core students to partner with a range of churches and University Christian Unions in their evangelistic outreach. And for those who began studying New Testament Greek in F2, we offer an optional intermediate-level class at the end of the Cornhill day.

Core Course Structure

We know that life and ministry can be complex and challenging and we are keen to be as flexible as possible in the ways students complete the course. As such, students can opt to complete the Core program within one year by attending sessions on both Thursdays and Fridays each week. Or they can now choose to complete the course over two years, attending one day a week. The course is structured so that students can choose to complete the course on either a Thursday over two years, or a Friday over two years.   

In addition to the time spent attending Cornhill Core, we estimate that a disciplined and well-organised student should dedicate one full day per week for study and preparation if completing the program over a year, or a half-day per week if completing the program over two years.

Applications are now open for the 2024-25 Core course. Apply here.